Brookville (Joe) number 4 |
In the year 1983, 2230 more feet of track was laid which took the main track to a 60 foot wide and 20 foot high gully. Because of this, the track laying was brought to a halt as the Bucksgahuda and Western Railroad crew had to decide which way the main track was going to go. With the track laying at a stand still, the crew brought the Brookville nicknamed Joe taking on the number four into service. This only occured after Joe was torn all the way down, regaged by moving the main frame in, adding bigger windows and reassembling it.
Finished caboose number 100 |
When the year 1984 rolled around, caboose number 100 was completed and brought into service. It ended up being 20 feet long, 5 feet wide and six feet high with a cupola height of 9 feet. The year 1984 also brought about the decision that the crew was going to build a trestle over the gully. Construction on the trestle began in April with enough of it being completed by the end of October to be able to run over it from one side to the other. The trestle was built without the use of any power tools or cranes. All of the material that was used incluing the cement was hauled to the site by train.
The trestle |
Along with the caboose number 100 and the trestle being completed, the rebuild on the Vulcan number 3 began by the crew and was scheduled to be completed early in the summer of 1985.
All of the above pictures provided by William Bauer